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“Sophisticated and cerebral antitrust titans Magalhães e Dias is one the most established antitrust boutiques in the market, drawing on close to four decades’ experience in the service of its clients on precedent-setting cases. Such pedigree is a big draw for both clients and legal talent alike. The firm’s prestige has helped make it the first phone call for an impressive roster of companies that find themselves involved in complex or contentious antitrust cases, and serves as a powerful attraction to some of the country’s brightest lawyers. Besides its impressive competition law offering, the firm also has a notable and growing trade and consumer law practices, and a strong showing of attorneys with economics expertise; four lawyers have full economics degrees and one consultant is employed as a pure economist. This unique skillset allows the firm to charge premium fees for its service and, by extension, treat its lawyers very well, both financially and in terms of the quality of work available. It also made the firm the first recipient of Latin Lawyer’s Specialist Law Firm leader of the Year Award in 2016. 


Carlos Francisco de Magalhães, one of the original and best competition lawyers in Brazil and founder of the prestigious association of competition lawyers, IBRAC; Gabriel Nogueira Dias, who is a director of IBRAC and comes recommended in LACCA Approved; Lucia Magalhães Dias, who focuses on consumer litigation and wins praise from clients for her specialisation, intellect, ethical approach and good reputation before governmental authorities; and Fabio Nusdeo, who both also trained as economists.”

Latim Lawye 250


Admirado em: 2018, 2017, 2016,0 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007”

O anuário Análise Advocacia 500 é o maior e mais relevante levantamento realizado do mercado jurídico brasileiro. Para identificar quem são os mais admirados escritórios de advocacia e advogados do país, a Análise Editorial conduz todo ano uma pesquisa detalhada com os que tem mais a dizer: seus clientes.

Os diretores jurídicos das 1.500 maiores companhias brasileiras são consultados pela equipe da Análise Editorial e votam nas bancas e profissionais que mais admiram, independente de utilizaremos seus serviços. O resultado é uma visão única dos serviços jurídicos disponíveis no Brasil e quem, na opinião das empresas que os contratam, são os mais qualificados para prestá-los.

A pesquisa é dividida em 12 áreas do direito: ambiental, cível, consumidor, contratos comerciais, exportação e importação, infraestrutura e regulatório, operações financeiras, penal, propriedade intelectual, societário, trabalhista e tributário. Assim é possível identificar quem são os mais admirados em cada ramo, além de indicar as bancas que se destacam em diversas áreas. Na edição estão relacionados os 500 escritórios mais admirados segundo as grandes companhias, acompanhados de perfil a respeito da sua atuação, tamanho e principais advogados

Análise 500
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“Boutique firm Magalhães e Dias - Advocacia draws on several decades of experience in the Brazilian antitrust market, and has a strong record in major merger reviews and cartel investigations. Among its recent highlights, Gabriel Nogueira Dias advised Bayer in relation to its multibillion-dollar merger with Monsanto, which was cleared by CADE prior to the decisions of the US and EU authorities. The team also has an active consultancy practice, advising on advertising campaigns, compliance programmes and antitrust issues in corporate policies. Carlos Francisco de Magalhães co-heads the team, which includes senior associate Raquel Cândido”

The Legal 500
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The firm is a traditional boutique focused on antitrust law and economic regulation. Carlos Francisco de Magalhães, founding partner, is a pioneer in antitrust in Brazil and has been appointed to take part in all relevant governmental commissions related to antitrust in the past 25 years. Senior Name partner Gabriel Nogueira Dias is recognised as an outstanding attorney and has recently become the firm’s managing partner. He was adviser to the President of CADE (1998) and has led the most complex antitrust cases in Brazil in the past several years. Expert and renowned University of São Paulo Scholar Fabio Nusdeo (arbitration and antitrust) is also part of the stellar team. The firm comprises 23 lawyers with four permanent in-house economic advisers. It has the largest team in Latin America fully dedicated to antitrust, competition law and economic regulation. During the last year, the firm announced three new partners, namely Lucia Ancona Lopez de Magalhães Dias (consumer law and litigation), Francisco Niclós Negrão (international trade and antitrust), and Cristina Bertaco (civil litigation). In addition to its permanent staff, the firm has also employed a selected and diversified team of consultants and advisers in antitrust, industrial organisation, antidumping, consumer protection and regulation composed of top level Brazilian economists. The firm has offices in São Paulo and in Brasília, where the enforcement agencies and high courts are located, to provide full support to clients.

Private Litigation & Consumer Law: The firm is one of the best prepared law firms in Brazil in these areas, providing clients with all-inclusive services – from legal advice on marketing, advertisement and commercial policy to full class action litigation. The firm is able to offer full assistance on recall cases, handling the administrative work before regulatory and consumer agencies, investigations before the Public-Attorney’s Office and individual consumer litigation. In addition, the firm has extensive experience with unfair competition, commercial disputes and corporate controversies (contractual or equity-related). The firm has also been highly successful in challenging in Judiciary Courts administrative decisions made by Brazilian competition defense authorities and regulatory agencies, as well as actions relating to investigations of anti-competitive practices and consumer defence problems. The firm has great experience before different judicial and administrative bodies (such as the Consumer Protection Department of the Ministry of Justice, the Consumer Protection Office – PROCON, and the National Council of Self-Regulation of Advertising – CONAR). 


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