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Hermes Nereu da Silva Cardoso Oliveira


Sâo Paulo office

+55 11 3829-4411

Junior Partner with outstanding performance in Antitrust Law and Administrative and Regulatory Law

Practice Areas:

Antitrust Law, Administrative and Regulatory Law, Civil Litigation


•    Master's Degree in Economic Law from University of Sao Paulo (USP).
•    Post-graduation degree in Criminal Procedure from University of Coimbra-IBBCRIM. 
•    Law Graduate from University Center of Brasília (UniCEUB). 
•    Studied Accounting and Actuarial Sciences at the Federal University of Brasília (UnB)
•    Member of Mensa International Society. 
•    Member of the International Compliance Association (ICA). 
•    Former member of the Economic Law Research Group of the University of Brasília.
•    Co-author of “A regulação da Infraestrutura no Brasil: balanços e propostas” (IOB-Thompson, 2003) and author of several legal articles.
•    CIEE/CADE Award for paper on Competition regarding Violation the Economic Order.


Portuguese, English and Spanish


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